Thursday, July 13, 2006

A 1000 Miles and Running

Any hopes that I had of a cool summer are quickly evaporating in the hot July sun. Steamy, sultry, disgusting, muggy and sweaty are a few of the words that come to mind this week and I saw the forecast this morning, things are just going to get worse this weekend. Okay, that is enough, I will not speak of the heat again for the rest of the summer... but I have been known to lie once in a while.

Thursday night with the group, I planned on doing 8 but that turned into 5 miles. After wrapping up with the group at the Art Museum I just couldn't get myself motivated to add those extra 3.

So Monday/Tuesday was a total of 11 miles. I look at Mon, Tues runs as miles in the bank for the week, they can be counted on if you miss a run later on. So far my account is a little light and I'll have to make it up in the remainder of the week.

Last night things were back on track despite a high rate of kinetic energy in an atmosphere that was almost completely saturated with water vapor. 5 miles on the trails in the Wissahickon and the 5-6 more on Forbidden Drive. Despite conditions I felt much better at the end of this run, the way it is supposed to feel.

Last night's run also put me over 1000 miles for the year. A number I didn't break until Sept 14th of last year.


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