Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Another Tuesday night and another group run. The weather is working its way back to unbearable but isn't there yet so the run last night was only mildly uncomfortable.

Got to the run a little early and added a 3 mile loop on the path exstension down to South Street. We have been getting some good crowds out to the runs despite the heat and yesterday about 30 people headed down the path. I fell into a decent pace with Kevin G and cruised along till I reached the 5 miles turn around.

Slowed it down a bit for the return trip. Not really beacuse I couldn't keep it up but I had planned to make it an easy run. 8 miles in I don't know how long because I forgot my watch but I am guessing about 62 minutes.


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Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.