Thursday, March 02, 2006

Achey Ankles and Legs

theThe very uneven footing and roller coaster course of the Ugly Mudder was not to kind to my lower legs. They actually weren't to bad the day follwoing the race but I went skiing that night and the following day, Tuesday, they hurt. It was to the point that it was effecting my gait, especially after I had been sitting for a while. I decided to take another rest day on Tuesday to avoid any problems.

I went out last night a little tentatively because of some lingering pain but everything went fine. I felt good by a mile into the run and my legs feel great this morning. It was a little jaunt down Kelly Drive out to the Climbing Rock and back. A total of 8 miles in 66 minutes. Definitely not a blistering pace but I guess you could have considered it a recovery run.

It's odd that I really feel like I have been a slacker in my running lately. I ran 40 miles last week and should break 35 this week, which is right where I want to be but I have only run 2 days out of the last six. I guess as long as those weekly mileages stay above 35 I'll be happy. Perhaps since we have hit March I should be aiming for over 40 miles a week. I have the Caesar Rodney Half-Marathon on March 12th. I'll head above 40 miles after that and hopefully start working in some good speed work.

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