Thursday, March 16, 2006

Just Get Out There

Last night was one of those runs that I really had to talk myself into. My calves are still sore, I have a cold, I walked out the door from work and the wind was whipping around, plenty of reasons to just relax at home and watch some TV. It was a battle in my head between sitting on my ass and getting another run in so I can at least hit 30 miles this week. Luckily the days are getting longer and some sunshine is a good motivator. I made sure not to sit down once I got home from work and made it out the door as quickly as I could.

I mapped out a 5 mile route through Manayunk with some easy hills. The first couple miles weren't so hot but after that I really felt fine. You can't make your mind up about how a run is going until your at least 15 minutes in. By the time I hit my turn around point I was keeping a steady pace and feeling much better. I made it home before the sun set (a first for this year) in 41 minutes. A slow pace but I sure wasn't pushing it during the run.

Almost every time a I think a run is going to go horribly I end up enjoying it. I try to keep that in my head for days like yesterday when my motivation is low and I really want to bail. Plus, I think a slow run really helped my legs out, they feel just about normal today. Hopefully I can put in 8-10 tonight, although it might turn into a late night run. It will be a good excuse for me to have some coffee late in the day.

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