Thursday, February 08, 2007

Chestnut Hill and Mt. Airy

Another chilly evening run last night. The weather just doesn't have me excited to get out the door but once I am 2 miles in everything is fine. I did generally the same route from my 12 miler last Wednesday with the addition of a few twists and turns to get me over 14 miles. Up through Mt. Airy into Chestnut Hill.

I like this route, a lot of residential neighborhoods, generally freindly drivers, and a good bit of people out and about despite the cold weather. It also takes me down a lot of streets I haven't seen before and past a lot of giant houses that make me wonder if they are a residence, or a funeral home, or maybe some kind of publice building... nope that's another giant house.

Things were slow at the start and I just couldn't get into a good rythym but eventually I warmed up and kind of went on auto-pilot. By mile 5 the pace was picking up and I went with it. Pushing myself to keep up a good clip, charging the uphills and speeding on the downhills. I am not positive but things felt generally under 7:00 pace from mile 5 to about mile 12.

The last couple miles were at a relaxed pace and my legs were tired. It was a nice feeling though. To be able to push it, after tempo on Tuesday, on a long hilly run in the freezing cold made me feel good. Also, this is the longest I have ever run midweek. Hopefully this will make up for the long run I am going to miss this weekend. 14.4 miles in 1hour 45min.

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