Monday, February 19, 2007

The First 20

After pushing this run from Saturday to Sunday and then Monday it was finally time put in the miles. Luckily today was colder and windier than yesterday so I was in for a real treat. I mapped out a hilly route through Chestnut Hill and then Fairmount Park.

Started things off easy and quickly fell into a comfortable pace. No plans for a fast finish, or charging the hills, just wanted to run fairly easy and get it over with. I was shooting for a pace between 7:30 and 8:00.

The wind was strong but the route had many turns so I wasn't heading into it for to long at any point. The sun was out and although it was cold it is hard to hold back the more direct rays you get in late February, I could feel them warming my face and hands.

The snow/ice/crap made for a couple sketchy traffic situations but for the most part I had a clear path on the side of the road. Didn't feel great, didn't feel bad, just running and that continued for most of the run.

Finally got back to Manayunk and then down to the Falls Bridge for what this entire run had been building to, a trip up the Bloody Nipple. I was kind of in my own little daydreaming world and before you know it I was 1/4 of the way up, time to concentrate a bit and get moving. Got to the top and I was feeling it, not horrible, but I just wanted to be done.

Down Ford Road, hopped on West River and back to the Falls Bridge. I spilt a mile along this length and was pleasantly surprised to see a 7:15. It really felt like 7:45 pace, a good sign. Back to Main Street where I took Ridge all the way up to Hermit street. A nearly 3/4 mile hill that wasn't to pretty. I think I was making some tortured faces by the time I crested. Then it was down a streep hill and done.

20.1 miles in 2:32. 7:32 pace, better than I would have thought on a course that was probably my hilliest 20 miler. Not a bad way to start things off.

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