Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The First Mile

I am getting a little hooked on this swimming thing. My legs felt good last night and I know that a ski trip this weekend is going to make high mileage difficult but I still opted for a swim over a run. I guess temps in the teens with winds to boot made the decision a little easier as well.

I haven't swam a mile yet and last night I figured I would go for it if I was feeling good. I was, so I went for it. I did it in sets of mostly 6 - 10 lengths, a stretch that seemed impossible a month or so ago but now is fairly easy. I spend less time concentrating on my breathing and form, so my mind is actually able to wander a bit like it will on a run.

It's a little odd swimming at the gym There are large windows at one end of the pool that look right into the the machine and stretching area of the gym. I sometimes feel a bit like an animal at the zoo when people are staring in or maybe I am the one staring out.

Heather said 72 lenghts of a 25 meter pool are one mile. As I was swimming my mind was going over the math and 72 lenths seemed to far. 72 x 25 = 1800 Meters. I guess I swam a little over a mile. I than started thinking that maybe it was a 25 yard pool. That would mean each length is 75 feet and 72 x 75 = 5400 feet. Still a couple lengths more than a mile. Not to give a math lesson but I just wanted to get the numbers down to make sure it made sense.

Anyhow, a little over a mile. Made me happy. I was definitely tired by the end but I don't think going further would have been a problem. Al this swimming could lead to a half-ironman if I am not careful

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