Thursday, February 15, 2007

Frozen Stuff

The snow/sleet/shit has put a damper on my running. I got in 5 miles with the group at a very easy pace on Tuesday night. The footing wasn't great and my legs were tired so I was content to plod along on my own and relax. I joined up with Tim and caught up on a things over the last 1.5 miles or so. I did about 2 miles total before and after the run for 7 miles in 50some minutes.

Yesterday, after an internal debate much of the morning, I decided to forgo my planned 14 miles due to the crappy weather and take a trip to the pool with Heather. Mostly easy stuff with a lot of work on my technique after some tips from Heather. I am still working on a flip-turn which I think is going to be difficult to make a very smooth operation. I am successful about 1 in 5 attempts right now. I didn't really count, but I am guessing about 35 - 40 lengths.

Tonight I hope to make up for the missed 14 miles yesterday. I am also still shooting for 70 miles this week so that means some heavy running through the weekend. It should be fun in this fridgid weather. I am officially ready for spring.

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